24 Hour Urine Analysis

Here is a look at why a doctor may order a 24 hour urine analysis test, what to expect, and how BASS Primary Care can help.


The 24-hour urine analysis is a simple — yet, accurate — test that helps to identify the amount of protein in the urine. The results of the test aim to proportionate information to diagnose or identify illnesses related to the kidneys. 

The kidneys are vital organs to our health since they are in charge of eliminating waste products from the blood and regulating the fluids from the body. Also, the kidneys produce hormones — to balance our blood pressure — and vitamin D — to help the body with the absorption of calcium. 

In this article, we will discuss the requirements, procedure, and the importance of the urine analysis test.

What is a 24 hour urine analysis test? 

The test consists of collecting multiple samples of urine for 24 hours. The purpose is to identify abnormal levels of protein in the kidneys. The test is useful to diagnose or monitor an illness, infection, or damage in the kidneys.

How do I prepare for a urine analysis test? 

For this test, your doctor will previously explain the procedure and how to prepare for it. The most common requirements for the test are:

  • Inform your doctor about the vitamins, supplements, or medications that you are taking. Certain medicines can compromise the results of the test. Stop taking any medication if your doctor requests it.
  • Make sure to fully understand your doctor’s instructions. For example, how to use the container, where to store it, or if you have to collect the urine samples at a specific time.
  • Inform your doctor about any medical condition, including pregnancy.

Depending on your health condition, the requirements for the test might be different.

How is the test done?

The test involves a simple and non-invasive series of steps. Depending on your condition, the test can be done either at home or at the hospital.

The usual steps to perform a urine analysis are:

  1. The medical staff will provide you one or more containers to collect and store the urine.
  2. It is recommended to begin this process in the morning since you will have to continue to gather samples throughout 24 hours.
  3. The first time you urinate you won’t collect the urine, you will only note the time. The collection time starts from the first time you urinate until the 24 hours are completed. Start gathering samples from the second time you go to the bathroom and on.
  4. Store the urine samples in a cool place, for example, a refrigerator or a cooler.
  5. Label the samples with your name, date, and collection time.
  6. Take the samples to the lab after finishing the 24-hour collection. You will be given instructions by the medical staff on how to transport the samples.

What is the purpose of the test? 

Protein levels in the urine help to diagnose kidney dysfunction. Nevertheless, urine with high protein levels can also be the result of infection, vigorous exercise, or stress.

The results of this test allow doctors to know the extent of kidney damage, illness progression, or treatment response.

Excess amount of protein in the urine is associated with conditions like:

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Lupus
  • Urinary tract blockage
  • Cancer, such as bladder tumors, Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia, or multiple myeloma.
  • Kidney damage or disease, like polycystic kidney disease, kidney infection, or glomerulonephritis.
  • Poisoning of heavy metals.

Keep in mind that every diagnosis varies in each person. Ask your doctor for any doubts or concerns you might have about the test results.

BASS Primary Care offers a wide range of specialized medical services, including lab tests. Your health is our priority.

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