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COVID-19 Treatment
Three COVID-19 Facts You Should Know

March 18, 2024

Three COVID-19 Facts You Should Know

Since the COVID-19 outbreak started back in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, scientists and health professionals have been gathering efforts into collecting reliable data that may help to slow down the spread of this highly contagious illness.

Unfortunately, as reliable scientific information has been quickly spread worldwide, misinformation and myths about COVID have also been broadly shared.

In this article, we will elaborate on 3 Facts of COVID-19 that everyone should be aware of during this critical time.

Before starting, we’d like to acknowledge that all the information presented here comes from official sources — such as the CDC, the US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, among others.

Fact: Bats did not transmit COVID-19 to humans

The source of origin and transmission of Covid-19 hasn’t been identified yet. According to the WHO, bats are indeed carriers of different types of coronaviruses. However, it is most likely that the virus went from bats to an intermediate host — either a domestic or wild animal, it has yet to be identified — and later to humans. 

Based on evidence from similar illnesses, such as SARS-Cov and MERS-Cov, it is highly unlikely for COVID-19 to have been initially transmitted to humans through food consumption — including bats. Nevertheless, Food Safety Authorities Network (INFOSAN) does recommend to follow hygiene measures with food preparation and to avoid consuming raw meats.

Fact: Most COVID-19 patients can recover and re-incorporate back into society. 

If you have symptoms of COVID-19, it is best to isolate and contact your healthcare provider to get a COVID test if possible.

Once patients recover, the time-lapse to re-incorporate into society may vary depending on their circumstances. Here is how:

Symptomatic Patients 

According to the CDC, patients who experienced COVID-19 symptoms can come out of isolation ONLY after:

  • Receiving two negative test results in a row (but 24 hours apart) and
  • After 10 days have passed since the first detection of symptoms and
  • After having 3 consecutive days without fever and
  • When respiratory symptoms — such as cough, shortness of breath — have significantly improved.

Asymptomatic Patients

According to the CDC, if your COVID testing results came back positive but you didn’t show any symptoms, you can re-incorporate into society ONLY after:

  • Receiving two negative test results in a row (but 24 hours apart) and
  • After 10 days have passed since the first detection of symptoms.

Fact: Pets can get COVID-19 from humans

According to the CDC, there has been a small number of cases where pets have been infected with Coronavirus. This situation seems to be the result of pets interacting with people infected with COVID-19.

Currently, no evidence shows pets to significantly contribute to the spread of COVID-19 to humans. However, it is recommended to practice hygiene habits around animals.

The CDC also recommends pet owners to apply preventive measures to avoid their pets from getting sick, such as:

  • Practice good hygiene habits around your pets.
  • Avoid exposing your pets to potentially contaminated surfaces.
  • Avoid large crowds or gatherings with your pets.
  • Avoid taking your pets to daycare facilities or groomers (unless if necessary).
  • Disinfect any objects that have been taken outside your home. For example, leashes, bowls, or toys. Use an EPA certified disinfectant.

Note: It is not recommended to put a mask on your pet. If your pets show signs of illness, call your veterinarian and avoid taking them outside.

If you have any further doubts about COVID-19 or think you are at risk of illness, please contact BASS Primary Care. Our healthcare professionals will provide you with guidance that adjusts to your situation.

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