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COVID-19 Treatment
Three COVID-19 Symptoms That May Surprise You

March 18, 2024

Three COVID-19 Symptoms That May Surprise You

In the United States, nearly 3.7 million people have been affected by COVID-19. The best ways to avoid coronavirus are to wear a mask whenever you are around others and to wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or more. Another great way to stay safe against coronavirus is to recognize the symptoms. By noticing symptoms of coronavirus in yourself or others, you can know if testing may be needed. The common symptoms of coronavirus include 

  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Coughing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Difficulties breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Body Aches
  • Headaches 
  • Sore throat 
  • Congestion 
  • Runny nose 

There are other symptoms of coronavirus that are more unusual than most. These symptoms can affect your sight, smell, and taste. COVID-19 symptoms can even change according to your age! 

Smell & Taste-Related COVID-19 Symptoms 

Around 80% of people who have tested positive for COVID-19 have complained of smell and taste loss. Typically, patients will firstly lose their sense of smell. Since smell is important when tasting flavor, the loss of smell often leads to the loss of taste. These symptoms can be related to congestion, drainage, and other nasal symptoms that come with coronavirus. While it is possible that you could lose taste and smell loss from other conditions (such as the common cold or allergies), you should still consider contacting your physician to determine if you should receive a COVID-19 test. The loss of smell is connected with up to 25% of the patients diagnosed with coronavirus, meaning that it could be a key signifier that you are infected. 

Eye-Related COVID-19 Symptoms

Coronavirus can cause eye-related symptoms. In rarer cases, COVID-19 could cause the development of conjunctivitis or pink eye. In other cases, it is more common to experience eye problems such as enlargement, swollen eyelids, sensitivity to light, and irritation. It is important to note this, as these symptoms are commonly found in those with seasonal allergies. If you experience any sudden eye problems after possible exposure to coronavirus, do not write them off as allergies and consider getting tested. 

Age-Related COVID-19 Symptoms

As many of us know, elderly adults are at high-risk when it comes to coronavirus. When infected with COVID-19, senior citizens will deal with amplified symptoms that could cause death. One unusual symptom that has been found in elderly adults has been confusion. If an elderly loved one starts showing signs of sudden confusion, you may want to have them tested for coronavirus. 

While researchers have determined that younger children are not at as much of a risk as adults are from COVID-19, they can still present unusual symptoms. Children can develop painful, itchy lesions on their feet and hands. Some will develop hives or rashes. 

COVID-19 Testing With BASS Primary Care

If you display any of these symptoms, you may be wondering if you should be tested for coronavirus. BASS Primary Care offers Telehealth consultations that will help you determine if your symptoms warrant a test. After deciding which test best suits you, we will schedule an appointment. For a nasal swab, you can remain in your own vehicle or enter our low-risk facility. Our facility is entirely CDC compliant and has taken all the precautions to ensure your safety. We understand that this test may be uncomfortable or stressful for you, this is why we work our best to make sure that you are comfortable. Your results will get back to you within 48-72 hours. To book an appointment, call us at (925) 962-9120 or visit us online.

At BASS Primary Care Walk-in Clinic, it's Your Health, Your Schedule.