
Stay healthy and meet your wellness goals with comprehensive physical examination services from BASS Primary Care in Walnut Creek. From annual check-ups to sports and work physicals, our team is ready to support your health journey. Book your appointment today.


Physicals at BASS Primary Care, Walnut Creek

BASS Primary Care in Walnut Creek offers comprehensive physical examination services tailored to meet the diverse needs of our community. Whether you're in need of an annual health check-up, sports physical, pre-employment screening, or school physical, our team of healthcare professionals is here to provide thorough assessments. Our physicals are designed to evaluate your overall health, identify any potential health issues early on, and ensure you're fit for specific activities or occupations. By prioritizing preventive care, we aim to keep you at your healthiest, no matter what life throws your way.

Services Provided and Common Questions

What Types of Physicals Are Offered?

Our Physical Examination Services include:

  • Annual wellness physicals
  • Sports physicals for athletes of all levels
  • School physicals for students
  • Pre-employment and occupational health screenings
  • Department of Transportation (DOT) physicals

Why Might You Need Physical Examination Services?

Physical exams are essential for:

  • Monitoring your overall health and well-being
  • Fulfilling requirements for sports, school, or work
  • Detecting potential health issues before they become serious
  • Updating vaccinations and discussing preventive health measures

Common Questions Around Physical Examination Services:

  • What should I bring to my physical exam? Bring a list of any medications you're currently taking, your medical history, and any forms required for sports, school, or work physicals.
  • How often should I get a physical? Annual physicals are recommended for most individuals, but the frequency can vary based on age, health status, and specific requirements for sports or employment.
  • What does a physical examination involve? A typical physical may include measurements of height and weight, blood pressure checks, a review of your medical history, and examinations of your vision, heart, lungs, abdomen, and more, depending on the type of physical.

Located in Walnut Creek, BASS Primary Care is committed to providing accessible and comprehensive physical examination services. Our goal is to support the health and safety of our community members, ensuring they meet the necessary health requirements for their activities and occupations.

Localizing Content for Walnut Creek

As a key healthcare provider in Walnut Creek, BASS Primary Care is uniquely positioned to serve the local community's needs for physical examinations. We understand the importance of convenient, timely, and thorough physicals for residents of Walnut Creek, whether for school, sports, work, or personal health maintenance. Our clinic is dedicated to offering these essential services with the care and professionalism our community deserves.

At BASS Primary Care Walk-in Clinic, it's Your Health, Your Schedule.