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Should You Skip the Flu Vaccine During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

March 18, 2024

Should You Skip the Flu Vaccine During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

For a year now, the coronavirus has been the topic on everyone’s mind. Our everyday lives have changed in an effort to keep everyone as safe as possible while we weather the coronavirus storm. Partly due to the daily COVID-19 precautions we take, experts have seen a decline in flu cases during the pandemic.

The Decline in Flu Cases During COVID-19

With everyone staying inside and taking extra precautions to stay healthy during this pandemic, it is no surprise that there have been far fewer flu cases this season compared to previous years. Experts are looking into the reason why there has been a decline in flu cases during the COVID-19 pandemic, and most signs point to social distancing and public spaces being shut down. Some of the places where the flu is most commonly spread temporarily closed their doors this time last year. Schools, offices, and churches are all common places where people catch the flu. Since they have been mostly closed for more than a year, contracting the flu in those spaces is nearly impossible.

Do I Still Need to Get My Flu Shot This Year?

Yes, you still need an annual flu vaccine this year. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that a flu vaccination this year is more important than ever. Beyond protecting yourself and your family from coming down with the flu, getting your flu shot could help decrease the burden on healthcare workers, allowing more resources to go to COVID-19 patients.

Every year, there are hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations due to influenza. Although there has been a decline in cases in the United States, the flu can be just as serious as COVID-19 if you are over 65 years old or have an immunocompromising underlying condition. Taking the time to get your annual flu vaccination will help prevent the spread of the flu, keeping you and your family safe this flu season.

Continuing to Stay Safe

While you are waiting to get the COVID-19 vaccine, you should continue to social distance, wear a mask over your nose and mouth while you are in public, and wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds. These steps can help protect you from contracting the flu as well as COVID-19.

Flu Vaccination With BASS Primary Care

If you think it is too late to get your flu shot this year, don’t worry--it's not! You can get your flu vaccination well into flu season if you have not already. So, if you are looking for flu vaccinations near you, look no further than BASS Primary Care. At BASS Primary Care, we are committed to the health and comfort of our patients. To schedule your flu shot, you can visit our website or give us a call at (925) 962-9120.

If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms, it is best to seek medical attention. Because symptoms of the flu are so similar to symptoms of the coronavirus, it is in your best interest to have a physician assess your symptoms and determine if you need to be tested for COVID-19. You can book an appointment and schedule a COVID-19 test with BASS Primary Care by visiting our website or by calling us at (925) 962-9120. At BASS Primary Care, we administer COVID-19 tests both inside our facility and from the comfort of your vehicle.

At BASS Primary Care Walk-in Clinic, it's Your Health, Your Schedule.